EZ³ Enterprise Zone 2024

EZ³ Enterprise Zone 2024 – 18 x 13cm, acrylic, thread, wire on canvas

Once Sunak and Starmer’s 12 deregulated Freeports and 75 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are operational, there will be no more public services left. This is the duopolies ‘growth machine’, it will privatise the entire UK in a race to the bottom.

How does this ‘growth machine’ work? Each SEZ is given £160 million in State Aid (public money) as a corporate welfare subsidy, multiplied by 74 = £11,84 billion 74 SEZs in total, England (48), Scotland (18), and Wales (8). All of these free zones are tax-exempt for companies for 10 years, they are licensed and future-proofed for a quarter of a century. Labour fully support this Tory initiative as board members of Sunak’s nationwide Freeports/SEZs consortia. The UK is being privatized in what libertarians refer to as ‘countrypreneurship’, public services are considered ‘small potatoes’, every aspect of social governance, and collective sovereignty is up for sale, and Brexit was the enabler, implementing ‘exit’ strategies from democracy that were developed in the 50s and 60s.
