An adversary that poses a serious threat 2024

An adversary that poses a serious threat 2024 – 28 x 23 x 13cm, plaster, jute, wire

The only option now is to extricate ourselves from the stranglehold of predatory capitalists, malign corporations, and political power via grassroots activism and a concerted national effort to reinstate the tenets of a truly social democracy. Real social solutions to capitalist greed and corporate power are not listed in our main party’s campaigning rhetoric or in their manifesto’s. Our communities must now come together with experts, investigative journalists, writers, and academics to analyze, educate, and understand what exactly is going on, and to discard the notion that feeling hopeless is somehow the default response, it is not, only we can come together to stop this. Collective power is the sibling of collective sovereignty, these are our game changers, the danger is that both these aspects are being rapidly commodified by those who dictate and maintain the status quo. Corporate governance is being installed via zone fever, carve-outs from the nation-state with their own private laws and (de)regulations separate from the host country. Many have no idea what this even entails, the UK’s departure from the EU has turbocharged the implementation of 86 Special Economic Zone’s (SEZs), this is happening right now, and it is all because of Brexit. It is time to reject neoliberalism and demand change for all, not just the 1%. The more public meetings I speak at, the more outrage and shock I witness from audiences, we are being kept in the dark about the total reconfiguration of the UK to what is essentially a country being perforated with tax havens under private corporate governance. Many of us are peeringing through the cracks spreading throughout our whole capitalist system, and we see a better world beyond it, it is within our reach.
