There are radical elements out there 2024

There are radical elements out there 2024 – 42 x 38cm, trace acrylic, spray paint on grease proof paper

The 2008 financial crash was an evolutionary step forward for libertarians, it proved that profit from disasters can be engineered, as surplus gains for the asset classes are disproportionately offset by the collapse of tax payer funded public infrastructure, councils, services, healthcare, police, housing, etc. As the rich get more bored, their power seeks incursions into the public sector for sport. The state becomes a fox, the asset classes the hunters, the state is forced out of its protective armour, social services, hospitals, rubbish collection, schools, decent housing torn apart. The state and public money is a source of revenue for libertarian start-ups, deregulated SEZs and Freeports are given Govt State Aid (public money) via more ‘flexible’ WTO rules, this is illegal in the EU because it disorts market competition creating an unlevel playing field. UK SEZs are tax-exempt for 10 years and future proofed for a quarter of a century. Brexit kickstarted the privatisation of the UK. Exit plans made flesh.
