The violence of this society is perpetrated by many different actors 2024 – 75 x 50 x 27cm, photograph mounted on plexiglass, wire, latex printed balloons
I find it incredible that when physical violence hits England’s streets, goaded on by bad faith actors and oligarchs alike, its sibling ‘economic violence’ is allowed to carry on regardless of the consequences.
Fact – White-collar criminals are less likely to see convictions for fraud than perpetrators of low-level crimes. ‘The criminological community’s preoccupation with low-status offender and “street crimes” and the relative inattention given to the offenses perpetrated by people in higher-status occupations is completely out of balance’. Deregulation is for the benefit of those at the top to install legalized lawlessness in society. Zone fever will become Britain’s ‘century of humiliation’, the same thing happened in China during the 1800’s.