The New Rulers Of The World 2024

The New Rulers Of The World 2024 – 30 x 40cm, acrylic on canvas

Elon Musk’s true tax rate is 3.7% Jeff Bezos less than 1%. Huge amounts of public wealth are being transferred to private hands with the help of government subsidies and state contracts, Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Freeports and charter cities are the frameworks for the advancement of ‘countrypreneurship’, the endgame is the privatisation of all public services and entire nations. SEZs are enclaves of extraterritorial regions with laws tailor made for the private sector to avoid big govt, and taxation. As people get angry they protest about failing public services, but a private company now owns the region you live in, they promise to rescue your town from Govt failure and design laws as services, you sign a contract to opt in or out. All public services are privatised in the zone, police, healthcare, nurseries, buses, schools, even the curriculum your kids study is adapted to libertarian ideology as it erases all traces of socialism, your kids never lived through a left-wing Govt, they think pain is normal.
