The new face of success 2024

The new face of success 2024 – 24 x 18cm, acrylic on canvas

“Due to the critical nature of charter cities, an independent agency is created to shield it from political pressure. Charter cities are long term, ‘so it is essential that the overseeing authority does not change every election cycle’. Each charter city is granted wide discretion to set rules for itself, create, iterate, and in turn grow the ecosystem of ideas around innovative governance that ultimately benefits people'” – The Charter Cities Act, The Charter Cities Institute

Sunak’s 86 SEZs are backed by Starmer’s Labour Party, they will birth ‘competitive governance’ and corporate sovereignties all over the UK, these zones are tax-exempt for 10 years and licensed for a quarter of a century. What do you think happens to public services and councils? They get absorbed by the corporation running the zone.
