The Humber Region 2023

The Humber Region 2023 – 40 x 50cm, oil and acrylic on canvas

‘Exit’ strategies from democracy were developed in the 1950’s when r/w libertarians were incensed that corporate profit and wage share were fairly balanced in F.D.Roosevelt’s New Deal to support public services, they called it theft & hated what Liz Truss calls ‘redistribution’. Freeports and SEZs are strictly regulated in EU, this is to prevent Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ allow self regulation of markets. Sunak’s Brexit means 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports pay 0 tax for 10 years, they are also licensed for 25 years. UK govt can under WTO rules give State Aid (public money) to companies it favours, which is illegal in the EU.
