Secret justice system 2024

Secret justice sustem 2024 – 18 x 8 x 9cm, plaster, canvas, acrylic paint

Do you know what the secretive Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is? ISDS was set up in 1966 by The World Bank, its function is to allow corporations to sue Govt’s for breach of contract, decommissioning, enforcing environmental regulations, and shutting down private SEZs, Freeports, charter cities. This is about corporate power flexing its muscles over democratic norms and protections that prevent extreme capital accumulation from destroying communities and entire regions of any given country. Legalized lawlessness and zone fever have turbocharged in Brexit UK. Know that Sunak’s 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports have licenses that are future-proofed for 25 years. Starmer will not revoke these licenses, the Labour Party fully back Sunak’s SEZs.
