Arnish SEZ Western Isles 2024

Arnish SEZ Western Isles 2024 – 24 x 18cm, acrylic on canvas

To venture capitalists, unutilized land could be acquired once the (de)regulatory framework of corporate governance was installed. Here’s a UK govt list of Sunak’s 74 SEZs. NB Infosys, Palantir, Politas, Pronomos Capital, big fans of corporate governance. A key figure developing such a framework is Shanker Singham, “We are looking at laws as services that companies demand”. An SEZ or charter city is ‘free’ of union contracts and public bureaucracy, any worker dissent is prohibited. Longer hours, less pay. ‘Exit’ strategies leave International laws and protections of citizens out of the charter model, the ECHR is one such obstacle to be removed. Exiting the EU also means the UK Govt can give preferential treatment to whichever companies it likes. This is illegal in the EU.
