Investor rights 2024

Investor rights 2024 – 31 x 18cm, acrylic, spray paint, wire, canvas, wood

Lloyd Russell-Moyle: “Lastly, the big one, Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS). We talk about sovereignty and you talked a lot about that in your statement, but we have signed up to ISDS, which does allow foreign private companies to sue our Government. I grant you that we have been on the lucky side of that regime to date, but other European countries have been on the very negative side. That does allow a supranational body to regulate and restrict sovereign decisions of a country”. Could you outline to me what the risks and benefits of an ISDS long-term look like?

Kemi Badenoch: ISDS is very common in international agreements. The UK has not been lucky, it is because of the way that the rule of law is.
