gOVernanCe 2024

gOVernanCe 2024 – 16 x 102 x2cm, photograph mounted on reboard, wood, spray paint, wire

Imagine your company is offered several million pounds of State aid (public money) to set up inside any one of Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer’s 74 Special Economic Zones or 12 Freeports, you will get tax breaks for the next 10 years while the zones are licensed for a quarter of a century, not only that but your company is trusted by the UK Govt to ‘self-regulate’ via corporate governance in the zone where employment rights, food safety, and environmental protections have been shredded with 1000s more EU/UK laws for the chop by 2026. Further, any economic or environmental damage to the region will be billed to residents in the zone, all manner of illicit activity is now possible because secondary legislation means zero scrutiny by Parliament including public FOI requests being swept under the carpet, plus compulsory purchase orders give your company carte-blanche to buy up (on the cheap) dozens of business, agricultural, and residential properties, public services will crumble, your company can replace them with their own private services. What would you do?
