FFRee CITY 2024

FFRee CITY 2024 – 33,5 x 28,5cm, acrylic paint, paper, wire, glue, letraset

Many charter cities are legally classified as Special Economic Zones, they come with poor employment laws, tax breaks for businesses, fenced in security, they can use foreign currencies, money laundering, can offer special VISAs, are built with radical legal laws favouring minimum Govt intervention. Starmer’s changed Labour Party backed Sunak’s initiative of installing 12 Freeports and 74 SEZs as board members of Sunak’s nationwide SEZs/Freeports consortia. The UK’s 12 Freeports are situated inside much larger SEZs ranging from 38 to 75km in diameter. Shenzen is often cited as an exemplary model of economic success, that is true but democracy and human rights are non existent in these zones
