Endless low-level conflict 2024

Endless low-level conflict 2024 – 36 x 30cm, acrylic, paint, wire, canvas

Anti-governance maintains the illusion that democracy is functioning. Free trade markets benefit from manufactured disasters and prolonging human suffering. Deregulated Special Economic Zones carve out extra-territorial spaces within the host country by installing laws tailored to exploit workforces by shunting them from one free zone to the next in the form of job displacement. As people chase jobs in SEZs, so corporations chase State Aid (public money) and tax breaks in the zones. The balance between profit share and wage share as a measure of GDP widens as desperate socio-economic conditions preserve political instability by convincing people to vote against their own interests. This results in huge societal impacts on public services and council infrastructure as people are forced to live on subsistence under private laws beyond Govt reach within the free zones.
