E City 2024

E City 2024 – 36 x 20 x 20cm, plaster, wire, marble

Smart city initiatives have been criticized as largely driven by unreliable corporations, poorly adapted to residents’ needs, as largely unsuccessful, and as a dangerous move toward totalitarian surveillance. Shanker Singham (the brains behind Brexit) developed his World Operating System at Babson Global which comprises deregulatory frameworks tailored for corporations who demand ‘laws as services’.
In his 2018 book Free Private Cities, Titus Gebel modified Prof.Paul Romer’s Charter City concept, which has so far found no successful implementation. Titus Gebel wants to ‘remove politics’ altogether, he has invited billionaires to invest in Charter Cities, the next step after the collapse of the public sector and all of its services, including the selling off of council assets on the cheap to corporations falls under ‘countrypreneurship’; the privatiszation of entire nations.
Zone fever has arrived in the UK, accelerated by abolishing EU laws and regulations, the British Govt has sold off collective sovereignty, and is now replacing it with corporate sovereignty, none of this was on the side of the Brexit bus.
