Dangerous territory 2024

Dangerous territory 2024 – 90 x 100cm, acrylic paint, photograph, card, wire

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) depend on deregulation to function, zone fever is sweeping the globe, free zones are experiments in neocolonialism, enclaves that can be set up as ‘zones of exception’, pockets of designated extraterritorial regions separate from the host country’s laws. SEZs are like states within states, patchworks of corporate sovereignties that seek to dismantle big government by shrinking it down to smaller more managable sizes, each zone comes with laws tailored for the asset classes, and guess what? Businesses setting up in the zones are given State Aid (public money) to the tune of millions by Governments in order to distort markets, this entails companies further super concentrating their wealth as the nation state atrophies, the goal is ‘countrypreneurship’ where corporate governance replaces social governance.
