Collective sovereignty not corporate sovereignty 2024 – dimensions variable, vinyl lettering
People presume Brexit was about reclaiming sovereignty, no it was about replacing collective sovereignty with corporate sovereignty. The difference is that everything you take for granted, from going to work, picking the kids up from school, doing your weekly shop, feeling safe in your homes, depending on good public services, breathing clean air and drinking clean water, being proud of your national identity, is all set to change as zone fever hands over all those things I listed to corporations who will privately govern the regions you live in.

The only way to stop this is with grassroots community activism, the duopoly’s plans for their futures do not include you or your families needs or interests, they are solely for the asset classes’ benefit. 86 tax havens are being set up right now across the UK. What is a Special Economic Zone and why were you not sufficiently informed about their implementation ?