All major corporations were effusive in supporting the president 2024

All major corporations were effusive in supporting the president 2024 – 187 x 22cm, acrylic paint, tape, glue, wire, canvas

Brexit was the disaster medicine that shocked the UK into submission to ‘outsourced corporate management’. This is a known pattern that reoccurs all over the world when countries are beset by foreign capitalists typically when disasters both natural and man-made happen. A disaster means a slew of ‘growth’ slogans come into play from politicians aligned with venture capitalists’ representing free trade markets, the racketeers who thrive on private sector growth, often subsidized with billions in public money aka corporate welfare. England, Scotland, and Wales are now host to 12 Freeports and 74 Special Economic Zones, turbocharged by engineered crises, a big part of exit strategies from democracy. Free zones carve out private jurisdictions, subdivide public services, and bankrupted council assets as part of ’emergency measures’ to ‘rescue’ democracy from its failings. But it is engineered failure on a scale that renders public services ‘small potatoes’, countrypreneurship’ is the goal of libertarians. The British public is being told by our main parties that the private sector is a much-needed force for change because the public sector has collapsed, ask yourselves if the UK is one of the richest countries in the world, why does it have such a parlous public sector?
