SEZSSECURITY 2024 – 88 x 42 x 9cm, sheet plastic, vinyl lettering, foamcore, canvas, acrylic paint, spray paint, wire, photograph, photo printed fabric
A corporate coup means everything is up for grabs, the UK is desperate and capital-hungry after Brexit. Deregulated SEZs were a Sunak and Truss initiative fully backed by Labour MPs, Mayors, councillors, Lords, and Baronesses, who were active board members of the Tories nationwide SEZs/Freeports consortia.
Free zones = privatisation on steroids, that’s all public infrastructure within the zone, schools, hospitals, public utilities, police, housing, councils. Free zones are regulated in the EU to prevent govts of member states from giving advantages to companies by exploiting State aid for profit motives without giving anything back to local infrastructure, deregulated free zones distort markets and create an unlevel playing field, this is Brexit.