All in 2024

All in 2024 – 15 x 70 x 33cm, packaging, stone, plaster, wire, paper, acrylic paint, spray paint, jute, canvas, vinyl lettering

Peter Thiel ‘I no longer believe freedom is compatible with democracy’. Global capitalism has evolved to a point where the most lucrative line of business is now between corporations and governments. Special economic zones carve out entire regions of host countries and isolate away from the interventionism of ‘big government’ they do this bypassing international laws aided by secondary legislation, this form of legalized lawlessness means corporations are trusted to ‘self-regulate’ inside the zones. Deregulation of employment rights, food safety, and environmental protections are the 3 main areas targeted by governments working hand in hand with companies to ensure profit comes before the health and well-being of society as a whole. Zones are the preferred model for capital growth without restrictions, and without taxation, they are entrepreneurial playgrounds for the asset classes to wreak fiscal chaos on those unfortunate enough to find themselves entrapped inside these zones of exception.
