SSECURITY 2024 – 29 x 24cm, acrylic paint, paper, wire, glue, letraset

What will Labour do about Jacob Rees-Mogg’s REUL Bill which revoked +600 pieces of EU/UK laws overnight on 31st December 2023? ‘Profound effects on UK legal system if (when) it becomes law’. Compare this with Donald Trump who revoked 85 laws over 2 years. Why are Cons and Labour in such a rush? Deregulation will inflict havoc on workers protections with ‘sunsetting’ clauses, future proofed so incoming governments cannot undo the changes. The 3 main areas affected by REUL Bill are employment rights, food safety, and environmental laws with 1000’s more for the chop by 2026. Labour must reverse this, but they won’t, why? Because relaxed laws mean relaxed enforcement of laws in the 74 Special Economic Zones and 12 Freeports that Labour signed off on with Rishi Sunak, and Shanker Singham, the man known as the brains behind Brexit.
