Ffree zone 2024

Ffree zone 2024 -21 x 21cm, acrylic paint, paper, wire, glue, letraset

Not one single media outlet is reporting that Starmer’s changed Labour Party including MPs, Mayors, councillors, Lords, and Baronesses fully backed Rishi Sunak’s nationwide Freeports/SEZs consortia. The licenses for these deregulated free zones are for 25 years and tax-exempt for businesses for 10 years. UK free zones contravene EU laws on State aid (public money) that prohibit governments of member states from giving subsidies to companies of their choosing, why? Because this distorts the integrity of the EU’s Single Market and creates an unlevel playing field, this is exactly what Shanker Singham (the brains behind Brexit) wanted, he knew that UK SEZs and Freeports once outside of the EU’s regulatory orbit could install total corporate hegemony and powers of governance inside the protections of the zones.
