The Capitalist Country 2024

The Capitalist Country 2024 – 210 x 6cm, acrylic paint, letraset, canvas

“A surprising number of nearly uninhabited, yet quite suitable places for establishing a new country still exist… Many such places are scarcely developed colonies whose governmental or other activities are of little or no concern at all to their ‘mother’ countries. There will be little problem in purchasing the land, or in having the opportunity to conduct affairs on a free enterprise basis from the very beginning. Though the ‘mother’ country may show unwelcomed interest when the new country prospers, time for imposing its edicts will by then have passed. The land will be bought from a colony whose ‘mother’ country is not powerful; yet even the larger colonial powers are diminishing control and interference over lands outside their boundaries, thereby providing a wider choice of location for the new country” – Michael Oliver, A New Constitution for a New Country, 1968
