Today is critical to the American World Order 2024

Today is Critical to the American World Order 2024 – 53 x 18cm, acrylic, tape, glue, wood, wire, canvas

Trump is the man who Peter Thiel (PayPal/Palantir) has already urged to fire the nation’s civil servants to “replace them with our people”, to defy the courts and rule his own way. Or, to put this in simple terms: to foment a coup. Digital regulation is in its infancy, the likes of Thiel, Vance, Trump will cause international fiscal chaos with cryptocurrencies, this will be perfect for Trump’s Freedom cities, ring fenced zones where private banking, deregulation, private laws, shredded workers rights, environmental pollution, and modern day slavery will proliferate. Tech broligarchs are lining up to court Trump. And Vance is one more link in the chain
